Inner City 101 in Israel's Defense By Star Parker
Not again. Will not even the assassination of Israeli Cabinet Member Rehavam Zeevi spark renewed loyalty from America to defend our friends? In looking for the right answer regarding those that President Bush has called our friends, maybe Secretary of State Colin Powell should take a lesson from inner city gang members. "I got your back" is a popular summary as to why these street thugs so willingly go to jail or die for their hommies. The saying means that even when the road gets tough, you can depend on me. Unfortunately, this attitude has not been the case for America concerning our defense of Israel lately. Our support began because tyrants had continuously tried to totally wipe Jews off the face of the earth and sympathetic Americans thought that perhaps they should be in a better position to defend themselves. However, every year since that nation began, Israel has lived under the type of terrorism we experienced on September 11 and it seems that some want us to ignore why we help sustain them as a nation in the first place. This year alone, when suicide bombers killed innocent people at a pizza parlor, a disco, and a fashion mall, our leaders told Israelis to be tolerant, understanding and to restrain from aggressive responses.
So for some to say that our support of Israel is at the root of this latest attack on America is ludicrous. In fact, our behavior towards them is analogous of a championship football coach that looks the other way when his quarterback is harassing his daughter.
Nevertheless, even if we set aside the adage "with a friend like that who needs an enemy" - if Israel were not in the picture - would we really deem Yasser Arafat a leader worthy of an independent state? Do we really believe that with more power he would stop terrorizing his fellow Palestinians and any others that do not submit to his totalitarian worldview? His philosophy is similar to that of the inner city gangsters - neither will rest until all outside their limited and vile regime are dead. Besides, what would our endorsement of the Palestinian cause mean to Louis Farrakhan who for years has been calling for a separate state here at home? His list of complaints against America is as extensive as the Palestinian Authorities against Israel, as historic in root, has already caused a civil war, and still incites political tensions, judicial debates, civil disorders and race riots.
The bottom line is that President Bush is correct: this is a war against evil.
The common denominator between all terrorists and their sympathizers is the motivation of hatred. They believe that their peace and freedom will only manifest when they have ultimate power and control.
And as with our inner cities the answer is not to legitimize the bad behavior of those that terrorize their neighbors, but to defuse it with harsh consequences, the answer must be the same for all terrorists in the Middle East - or their evil will only metastasize. -- Star Parker is founder and president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education, a grassroots research organization based in Los Angeles.
Please send all comments concerning this op-ed directly to Ms. Parker at info@urbancure.org
Star Parker Monday, November 12, 2001 To discuss this article further enter The Deeper Look Dialogue Room
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