Hip-Hop Fridays:
Bomani Armah Releases 'Jena 6' Song To Continue Movement
Bomani Armah, the artist responsible for the cultural phenomenon 'Read A Book,' has released "Jena 6," a song dedicated to furthering the Movement supporting six young Black men, their families, and community, suffering from injustice and the abuse of power in the state of Louisiana.
"I made this song, not to highlight the problem. That has already been done by activists, organizations and leaders like Color Of Change (colorofchange.org), Rev. Al Sharpton, Michael Baisden, and countless grassroots activists that aren't getting credit today for the work they put in months ago. I made this song, and released it after the recent March, out of concern that this Movement will die and lack the follow-through and unity we need to make any change in Jena, permanent. My job, and that of every one who listens to this song who has a sense of justice and concern for Black people, is to make sure that we do what is necessary economically, politically and culturally to support the Jena 6, and all those who were left behind when the March ended and the media and thousands left town. The hard work still remains to be done, in Jena, and throughout America, and I'm taking a stand, as an artist, father, husband, son, and brother," Bomani Armah explains.
Jena 6 is available at both (http://notarapper.com)and Bomani Armah's MySpace page: (http://myspace.com/knotarapper)
Friday, September 28, 2007 To discuss this article further enter The Deeper Look Dialogue Room
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