Religion, Theology and Self-Improvement Sundays

Pope John Paul II's recent trip to the Middle East represented many things to many different people. Of course the event was viewed from various religious, political and social perspectives. Perhaps no group seemed as divided on the Pope's trip to the region as did the Jewish community. Depending upon whom you talked to, the Pope's visit was either a step-forward in Catholic-Jewish relations or it was a disappointment. Certainly, most of the views on the value or meaning of the Pope's visit are colored by the observer's opinion of the Pope in general.

Today, a column appears at that offers the point of view that the Pope's visit to the region and his entire tenure has been positive for Jews. The piece, authored by Elliott Abrams and called "Stop Bashing The Pope" should stimulate deep thought among casual observers of the Middle East Peace process as well as among religious scholars.

Cedric Muhammad

Sunday, May 7, 2000