Wall St. and Business Wednesdays: Join Us For An Open Community Chat, August 16, 2006, On BEEU Semester Two, "Personal Finance - "Financial Literacy and Turning Money Into Wealth"

Next Wednesday, August, 16th, at 3PM (est) I will be hosting a live chat for the entire BlackElectorate.com viewership for those interested in learning more about BEEU and Semester Two, "Personal Finance - 'Financial Literacy and Turning Money Into Wealth'".

We are fresh off of our webcast guest lecture with Reuven Brenner, "Entrepreneurial Success Keys" which capped off Semester One, and ready to switch lanes from Entrepreneurship to a closer focus on money and investing. Below is a listing of the Six Lessons we will have this Semester:

Lesson 1: The ABCs of Financial Literacy and Business Journalism.

Lesson 2: Saving, Pooling, Compounding and Multiplying

Lesson 3: The Investment Portfolio: Balancing Wants, Needs, Risks and Rewards Over Time

Lesson 4: Real Estate, Real Estate, Real Estate

Lesson 5: The Trader, The Investor, and The Speculator in Capital Markets.

Lesson 6: Coins, Commodities, Currencies, and African Stock Markets

So, please join us, all you have to do is quickly set up a free BEC chat account at: http://www.blackelectorate.com/chat1/globalchat/sel_chat.asp in order to participate.

We look forward to a great discussion and seeing you all at BEEU.


Cedric Muhammad

Cedric Muhammad

Wednesday, August 9, 2006