How Wars Are Won: The 13 Rules of War - from Ancient Greece to the War on Terror
By Bevin Alexander

Price $23.95
Release Date: 11/01/02
Serial Number: Alexander1

Both timely and timeless, How Wars Are Won offers a fascinating look at the history of warfare and the thirteen essential rules for achieving victory that have evolved from ancient times to the present day. Acclaimed military historian Bevin Alexander opens with an incisive, historically informed diagnosis of the new threat posed by terrorism. Based on interviews with war planners for the U.S. military, he introduces the battle tactics currently being developed and the ways in which new high-tech weaponry will be deployed. He also explains the ways in which the time-tested rules for waging war will remain relevant, and which of these rules will be most important in the new kind of warfare. Turning to the thirteen essential rules of battle, Alexander devotes a chapter to each, offering riveting accounts of four or five crucial historical battles that were won or lost because of either the brilliant or the disastrously unsuccessful application of that rule. Highlighting the crucial command decisions of the masters — including Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Stonewall Jackson, Erwin Rommel, and Douglas MacArthur — he brings the drama and challenge of military command vividly to life

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