What Color Is A Conservative
By J.C. Watts

Price $22.95
Release Date: 10/01/02
Serial Number: watts 1

The inspiring autobiography of one of America’s emerging leaders. The inspirational story of J.C. Watts’ journey from poverty to college football acclaim to the United States Congress. For the first time in print, Watts shares his hopes and plans for the future of America. It includes accounts of his confrontation with the Reverend Jesse Jackson on race and victimization. He tells how he prepared his televised response to President Clinton’s state-of-the union address even as the world awaited the verdict of the O.J. Simpson trial. He takes the reader on a personal journey through America of the late 20th century from his experiences with the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing to his grassroots urban renewal projects in Queens. And he forthrightly explains how his deep and abiding personal relationship with Jesus Christ directs his role as a leader in America

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